ukeh,sekali lgie aku nk crita tntg hidup..hidup aku yg tgh serabut hnya disebabkan oleh seorang LELAKI..haihh .serius,sedey bila pkir psal neyh..tdie kt sekolah,aku dah lpskan segalanya..rsa rngn kepala otak..hehehe .tpie,sygnya,mira absent..urm..i want u to lend ur shoulder for me to cry..urm..tdie mmg best bila sufia bgi nsihat..nsihat tuwh amat2 brguna..thnxs sufia!!!!!!!!arghh!!!i'm not strong when facing this problem..huh!!!ukeh. relax .breathe .from more crying,no more tears..i'm a strong girl!!yeahhh!!no boys,no tears..mybe neyh bkn jodoh aku ngn dye..mybe it's quite difficult for me to accept this fact,but i will try my best..insyaallah..i can do it..i know this is ur right to make the best decision..i will accept it..fatinfirzana seorang remaja yg kuat!!!yeah!!chaiyok2!!ukeh,x mau sedey2 happy =D!!!!!
i'am who i'am..i'm fatinfirzana!
i think this the right time for me to go...
iloveyousomuch <3..
BalasPadamstrong independent outrageous beautiful motivated ordinary teenage young girl can do it !!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha .